iCleaner comes with four default themes: Default (Light), the default light theme; Default (Dark), the default dark theme; Default (Black), an even darker theme; Default (only available from iOS 13), a theme that adapts to the system-wide dark mode setting.

Custom themes can be provided by adding new folders to the /Library/iCleaner/Themes directory, containing an Info.plist file that the iCleaner app uses to style its programmatically generated UI controls. A sample directory structure would be:


The table at the bottom lists the plist keys you can use, and how their values affect the app.

Keys marked as colors must be string values in RGB (#RRGGBB, ex: #FF0000 for red) or ARGB (#AARRGGBB, ex: #8000FF00 for 50% opacity green) form.

The app can also be themed via any Winterboard-compatible theming engine, in which case you can also theme its image assets.

The bundle identifier you should use is com.ivanobilenchi.icleaner. Themeable assets are located inside the iCleaner app bundle (/Applications/iCleaner.app).

If you choose to use a theming engine, a sample directory structure would be:

            |[email protected]

Key Type Description
general.userInterfaceStyle Number User interface style. (0 = dark; 1 = light). Note: this value influences the defaults for other numeric style keys.
general.keyboardStyle Number Keyboard style. (0 = dark; 1 = light).
general.tintColor Color Tint color for buttons, tab bar glyphs, clickable labels, progress bars and other controls.
general.inactiveColor Color Color for inactive or disabled controls.
general.warningColor Color Color used to warn the user about a potential problem.
general.errorColor Color Color used to signal an error or other critical situations.
general.textColor Color Color for text used throughout the app.
general.statusBarStyle Number Style for the status bar (0 = black text; 1 = white text).
general.fullScreenPresenter.style Number Style for full screen views (activity huds, image previews, etc.) (0 = dark; 1 = light).
scrollView.indicatorStyle Number Style for scroll view indicators (0 = black; 1 = white).
progressView.trackColor Color Color of the unfilled track of progress views.
activityIndicator.color Color Color of the activity indicators.
bar.style Number Style of navigation bars, tab bars and toolbars (0 = black; 1 = white). Note: setting this value achieves a nicer blur effect than setting bar.tintColor.
bar.translucent Bool Enable or disable translucency for navigation bars, tab bars and toolbars.
bar.tintColor Color Color of navigation bars, tab bars and toolbars. Setting this value overrides bar.style.
bar.textColor Color Color for text contained in navigation bars, tab bars and toolbars.
Table views
table.backgroundColor Color Background color for table views.
table.cell.backgroundColor Color Background color for table view cells.
table.cell.selectionColor Color Color of the highlight shown when table cells are selected.
table.cell.separatorColor Color Color of the separator lines between table cells.
table.headerFooterLabel.color Color Color of headers and footers of table view sections.
table.headerFooterLabel.shadowColor Color Shadow color of headers and footers of table view sections.
table.index.backgroundColor Color Color of the bar containing the alphabetic index for table views with many rows.
Cleanup view
cleanup.progress.fillColor Color Fill color of the cleanup progress indicator.
cleanup.progress.trackColor Color Track color of the cleanup progress indicator.
cleanup.progress.labelColor Color Color of the percentage label in the cleanup view.
cleanup.progress.labelShadowColor Color Shadow color of the percentage label in the cleanup view.
cleanup.label.color Color Color of the progress labels in the cleanup view.
cleanup.label.shadowColor Color Shadow color of the progress labels in the cleanup view.
cleanup.statusBarStyle Number Style for the status bar during cleanup operations (0 = black text; 1 = white text).
cleanup.fullScreenPresenter.style Number Style for full screen views during cleanup operations (0 = dark; 1 = light).
Text views
textView.backgroundColor Color Background color for views displaying text files.
textView.textColor Color Text color for views displaying text files.
textView.primaryHighlightColor Color Primary highlight color for search matches in text views.
textView.secondaryHighlightColor Color Secondary highlight color for search matches in text views.

  • Please note that not all plist keys work on every iOS version. Specifically, theming is not supported on iOS 4.x, it's partially supported on iOS 5-6, while full support is guaranteed starting from iOS 7.